Build a Wind Turbine – How to Build a Turbine Using a DC Motor


It isn’t that hard to build a wind turbine yourself. You will find that there are a number of superb guides available that will take you through each step of the process, most of which will include illustrations so that you can see exactly what you should be doing. One of the least expensive methods to build a wind turbine for home use suggested by a number of manuals is by using a DC motor.

Where people often come up against problems when carrying out this type of project is in their choice of DC motor that they have obtained for use in their DIY wind generator. If you are considering trying to build a wind turbine it is well worth taking the time to ensure that you find the right motor to generate the power that you need.

You will probably know, a DC motor is an electrical device that is used to power things with electricity. Current from a battery is sent to the motor which rotates, which in turn powers the item that it is connected to. One of the most common examples is a starter motor on a vehicle. What a lot of people may not know is that the magnets used to turn the motor when connected to a power source can be used to generate electricity if the motor turns the other way. This fact alone makes using a DC motor the ideal choice for someone considering wind turbines for the home. The most important point is to ensure that you pick the correct motor at the start of your project.

There are just two main essentials to consider when you set out to build a wind turbine using a DC motor.

The first one is Voltage. Ideally a 30volt motor should be used, but anything over 20 volts will get you out of trouble.

The other point to look for is RPM (revs per minute). What you will be looking for is a motor with a relatively low RPM. A DC motor with a high RPM will have difficulty in reaching the speed required using wind power. If you can find a 30 volt DC motor with a RPM of 1200 this should suffice. With a wind speed of 20mph the motor should generate 12 volts of power. This may not sound like a lot but don’t forget, this is only one component of your project to build a wind turbine. In conjunction with the other parts that you use you will be able to generate enough electricity to supply part or all of your power needs.


Source by Tony Summers

49 Signs of a Cheating Husband – Watch Out For These Red Flags To Find If Your Husband Is Cheating


You just feel it in your soul. The ‘signs’ are there. Every fibre of your being is telling you that your husband is cheating on you. But is he?

Have a read of this article, and see how many of the signs are applicable to you.

1. He is less attentive in the bedroom:

Now this one may be difficult to measure, because it depends how active your sex life is on the whole. It is a very personal area, and a lot of couples who, for example, have been married for a long time, or are particularly stressed, may find that that initial spark dampens in the bedroom.

This is perfectly normal. My advice here is to listen to yourself. Only YOU can know whether or not the way that your husband behaves in the bedroom is ‘different’ to his usual behaviour, but it is common practice if he is ‘getting it’ elsewhere then his sex drive when he comes home may be significantly reduced.

2. He seems to be working out more or maybe for the first time ever!:

If your man suddenly develops an interest in ‘working out’, it could just be that he has decided he needs to lose a few pounds. Of course, it could also mean that he is trying to get (and keep) the interest of a younger, fitter play thing.

Men of a certain age in particular, are prone to suddenly deciding that they need to appear younger, and this can be triggered by the interest of another woman.

Men like to pump iron or go for a run, in order to feel energised, and this of course not only works on their physical appearance, it also boosts their stamina. If your husband has always been one for working out then trips to the gym may become more ‘frequent’ as they can be used as a smokescreen to cover dates with his Mistress.

3. He is constantly working late:

Similar to the gym, if he suddenly begins calling to tell you that he’ll be ‘working late’, be aware that this could be just another cover up for a night out with his Mistress. But before you jump in at the deep end, try and work out what is going on at work.

If for example, a big event is due, then this could explain the increase in hours. If nothing seems out of the ordinary, and the extra hours become rather frequent, have a think about dropping by his place of work!

4. He develops a new sense of style:

Perhaps he was once a stylish individual, with the latest secret weapons. But as the years went on, he became more of a ‘casual jogging bottom’ kind of guy.

This suited you just fine, as it showed that he was comfortable to be himself around you. But if your man suddenly begins to turn up with new shirts, shoes, aftershave, but never seems to do it for you, then you have to wonder who is benefiting from it all.

5. He becomes the boy who loves his toys:

There is the old saying ‘boys and their toys’. Perhaps your husband has always had his eye on flashy new things. Perhaps from time to time he would buy them, or maybe you could never afford them. Has he suddenly decided to buy that flashy sports car? Has he splashed out on the latest phone?

If you notice a change in your guy’s spending habits, or a general loosening of the wallet strings where perhaps he used to be controlling, then again, he could well be out to impress someone. He could even be leading a double life, and a new car for example, helps him express his ‘other identity’.

6. He decides that he wants more time with ‘the lads’:

Has he suddenly decided that he wants to spend more time out with the guys? Maybe he did this when you were dating but since being married, weekends are spent at home with take-out, or hanging out with married friends.

Has he suddenly developed an interest in going it solo with his friends? It could well be that he needs time to air a problem with a guy friend, as they do this, just as we do! But if it becomes something regular, it could be possible that he is really out with another, or he is out ‘on the hunt’.

7. His friends act differently towards you:

Linked to the above, if he is out with friends, then may suddenly act a little different towards you, because they are feeling guilty of knowing that your husband was kissing another woman in the club last Saturday.

On the other hand, if he was not with his friends but was out with his Mistress, and asked them to cover, things may go one of two ways. Either they will avoid you as they do not want to have to be asked any questions, therefore requiring them to lie. OR, they will over compensate, by going into every single detail of their clearly thought out story.

8. He suddenly has to take a lot of calls from his ‘friend’:

It could simply be that Bob has split with his girlfriend and needs some advice, but if your husband is spending a lot of time on the phone then you do have to wonder who to.

9. He gets a lot more calls about ‘business’:

Similar to the above. It could be that there is a problem that he has to deal with at work. But if that is the case, then he will not mind you hearing in on the action. If every time your husband gets a call on his cell phone, he takes it to the other room, or even worse, goes out, you can begin to wonder exactly who it is that he is talking to.

10. He does not want these extra calls from his friend or work and so keeps his phone turned off:

If he has suddenly decided that he prefers to keep his phone turned off at home, it could mean that his Mistress is threatening to call him, wanting to let the cat out of the bag. If he fears getting a lot of calls or text messages, perhaps because they have had an argument, he will turn the phone and leave it like that.

11. He is spending more and more time on the internet:

It could just be that he is using it for his business. Again, this all depends on the general circumstances in his life. But if for example, he was not usually one for surfing the internet but is suddenly showing an interest in how it all works, particularly things like social networking and messenger, then it could well be that he is trying to find every avenue through which he can chat to his girlfriend.

12. He has secret email accounts:

Have you noticed when you go to log into your mail provider, that it shows the last address to log in and it is not one that you recognise? Or perhaps the same happens on messenger, or Facebook. Perhaps he has a secret account that he uses for him and her.

13. He is spending more time online when you have gone to bed:

Perhaps he says he is going to stay up and watch the game, but when he thinks you are sleeping, you can hear the tapping on the keyboard. Perhaps you have gone to the kitchen to grab some water and unexpectedly caught him on webcam? Question to ask, is why he is doing this, when he has a wife in bed?

14. He is careful to clear the web history:

If you share a computer you will know whether this something that he does regularly, or not. Has he suddenly started to clear the web history? Just what is it that he is trying to remove all evidence of?

15. You find receipts for goods or hotel rooms that were not shared with you:

One of the old clichés. But if you find receipts for gifts, hotel rooms, trips, restaurant bills, that were not spent with you and are not accounted for by his work, then you are probably looking at facing facts that your husband is seeing another woman.

Before you accuse him of this however, take a photocopy of the receipt, and keep it somewhere safe. Do not take away any evidence that you find, as this will alert him onto the fact that you are onto him and he will be more cautious.

16. You find things on credit card bills that cannot be explained:

Very similar to the above, but one that you are much more likely to be able to keep track off, especially if you have joint accounts, or he leaves his post lying around from time to time. Just remember that it is illegal to open another’s private mail though!

17. You start to get nuisance, silent calls:

Has your phone been ringing at home but when YOU pick up they hang up? It could be that your husband’s other woman is getting close to telling you about their affair. Perhaps she is just intrigued about what kind of woman you are.

Maybe she has fallen in love with him and views YOU as the ‘other woman’ and becomes a little obsessed with you. There all manner of reasons behind this sort of behaviour but a good move is to get caller ID and then present the number to your husband and calmly ask him if he knows the number. Watch his expression and reaction carefully.

18. He comes home and takes a shower almost right away:

If he has spent the afternoon with his Mistress, he will want to shower as soon as he gets home. Sometimes, he will even avoid kissing you hello, insisting that he has to dash to the bathroom first. This is because he may smell of her perfume, or even worse, smell of her body scent! He will want to remove all traces of this as soon as possible. Smell is a very personal thing, and we all know what our partner smells like normally and when something is up.

19. He is creating arguments that seem to be over ‘nothing’:

This may be a sign of several things. For a start he may be feeling so guilty, that he is stressed, and when people are stressed, their tempers fray. Or, maybe he is looking for reasons to create tension, so that he can justify his actions in his mind by believing that YOU are the one at fault, or he wants an excuse to storm out of the house and go and see his Mistress.

20. He seems to be distant and cold:

This could mean that he is just having an off day. But if you used to talk and share things, and now he seems to be distant, then it could be that he is avoiding intimacy on an emotional level with you because he wants to avoid ‘feeling’ close to you as it will make him feel guilty.

21. He has unexplained marks on his body:

It sounds obvious, but sometimes, the most obvious things are that way for a reason. This is especially worrying if the two of you are no longer enjoying sexual relations. You know the sort of things to look for – nail marks, scratches, even love bites!

22. He avoids undressing in front of you:

This links to tip number 21. Perhaps he does have a mark that he is attempting to hide, so he may take a shower before bed and undress and change there. Or perhaps he wants to change with the lights off. You will know if he changes his usual routine.

23. He avoids putting his dirty laundry in the basket:

Does his dirty laundry appear to have reduced in load? It could be that he does not want you to discover stains, scents or items that you are not familiar with.

Perhaps he is taking his stuff to the laundrette during his working day. One thing is for sure, if clean clothing suddenly appears, but you have not washed it, then he is either getting it done at the laundrette or by his other woman.

24. He starts giving you Extra attention:

A lot of the information so far, has been about him seeming distant and withdrawing. But some men attempt to hide their infidelity by showing their wife a new interest and attention.

If he suddenly seems friendlier, more attentive and like he is making the effort, when he has not done so for some time, it could be that he is trying to throw you off the scent of his affair. Of course, he could be wanting to rekindle your marriage, so don’t just assume that this automatically means that he is cheating.

25. He starts buying you gifts… and more gifts:

Carrying on from tip number 24, if your husband suddenly begins to splash the cash on you, coming home with flowers, and chocolates, these could be the actions of a man who is feeling guilty and has something to hide.

26. He begins to act suspicious of YOUR actions and turns into Mr Paranoid:

They say, that those who are often most paranoid, are actually the ones with something to hide. A cheater often imagines that if they are behaving in such a way, then everyone else must be too! Has your husband suddenly started questioning you about your actions and friendships? This is a great tactic to turn the tables and focus to you, but it could also be that he is genuinely wondering if you too are capable of infidelity as the subject is playing on his mind.

27. He accuses you of an affair:

This is the next step on from tip number 26. Often his suspicions may escalate, and he will go out of his way to fully accuse you of having an affair. This is a great tactic, as it not only puts you in the frame (and not him), it gives rise to arguments, so he can spend more time out of the house, and may even be used as a catalyst for having a final excuse to leave you, if and when he decides to take this step.

28. He plants seeds of doubt in his and your friend’s minds:

If he is really clever, then he may even ask your friends, or perhaps your mutual friends, whether he thinks that you could be seeing someone else. This plants the seed in their minds, so if and when you finally ask them the same thing about HIM, they believe that you are thinking this because of your own actions. He can also use it as an excuse if he ever does decide to leave you as he can say that he had known about your affair, and had chosen to move on.

29. He begins to tell you stories about how he thinks so and so is cheating:

Does cheating seem to be your partner’s new favourite topic? It could be that he is trying to work out whether or not you suspect anything. Plus, he may want to know how you would handle things if you should ever find out that he has been cheating on you.

For example. If he asks ‘what would you do if you were Susan?’ – If you say that you would try and forgive and forget then he knows that he is onto a safer bet.

30. He decides that you should spend more time with the girls:

If he suddenly decides that you should spend more time with the girls, it could be that he is trying to free up some of his own time so that he can see his bit on the side but know exactly where you will be and when you are due to come home.

31. He suggests that you take a girly vacation!:

He may even go as far as to suggest that you take a trip away. Perhaps he even treats you to it, a spa break, a weekend away. This is basically packing your bags and sending you off so that you are as far away as possible and on a schedule that he has planned, so that he can enjoy more extra marital time, without wondering if he’ll get caught.

32. He suggests that you get a new haircut, or treats you to new clothing:

It could be that he wants to treat you so that you do not suspect he is cheating. Or it could be, that he is used to the way that his new lady looks, and is wanting to spruce you up a bit so that you too can appear just as attractive in his eyes. Maybe she has had a new haircut and it is the first thing on his mind. Is he suggesting things that would not normally have come up in conversation?

33. He takes you window shopping and asks your opinion on things:

It’s sickening but true! He may even ask your opinion on things, and make it seem like he is considering getting you a gift, but secretly he has no one else to ask advice on what to get for his Mistress’ up-coming birthday!

34. He begins to wonder what he has done with his life:

If he is frustrated, it could simply be the start of a midlife crisis. But it could be that he has found happiness elsewhere, and is questioning his whole existence. Falling for another woman may make him wonder if he married the right person in the first place, whether his children should ever have been born, and whether he is too old to make a new start.

35. He changes your usual hangouts:

Has he started taking you to a different restaurant? Maybe even a different supermarket? If his Mistress has found out where you are likely to be, he may fear that the two of you will run into each other, so may start suggesting nights out at a place in the next town. You get the idea. Of course, he may just want to shake things up a little but he could also be hiding his secret and leading a double life.

36. He stops wearing his wedding ring as often:

Has he ‘forgotten’ to put it on when he heads out the house? Maybe he even hides it and claims to have mislaid it? One thing is for sure, if he is seeing someone who does not know that he is even married, the last thing that he will be wanting to flash, is that little band of gold. He may also remove it because ‘out of sight is out of mind’ and he does not want a constant reminder of you when he is already feeling guilty when out with her.

37. Starts to kiss ‘differently’:

If the kissing and contact has not stopped, he may still want to be close to you but something just seems ‘different’. Couples develop their own unique kissing style, that has its own rhythm and pace, with its own little quirks. Has he started to kiss in a different way? Perhaps incorporating things such as lip biting when he has never done it before? It could be that he is now so used to kissing another woman that he forgets how he kisses you.

38. Sex is not the same as it once was:

If you are still sexual, and this contact has not ended, then perhaps he just seems to be acting distant in the bedroom, or is performing in ways that are unusual for him. He may suddenly start trying out new positions, and it is like he has swallowed the Kama Sutra! Like with kissing, this could be that he is developing new habits with his other lady friend, and these are sticking – even when it comes to you.

39. He suggests more outrageous sexual activities:

Outrageous for you two that is. I am not suggesting that anything beyond missionary is ‘outrageous’. But if he suddenly demands that you spice things up and try out swinging for example, it could be that he is looking to bring up the topic of being sexual with other people – and may be looking to introduce it into your marriage.

40. He begins to call you by pet names that you have never used before:

Does he call you babe? Has he never done this before? This may be common if his other woman is younger than you. Perhaps he has got used to calling her such names, in order to impress her, and accidentally slips onto the end of his sentence to you.

41. He calls you by the wrong name:

As obvious as this one sounds, yes, it really does happen! A Freudian slip of the tongue, calling you by her name, is something that is actually common. If this happens, don’t let him squirm out of it too easily. If you are unsure whether it means that he is seeing someone else, flip it over and look at it from this angle – how on earth could there be any confusion over the name of the woman he married and supposedly loves?

42. You find stray hairs on his jacket, and clothes:

There may be little signs left around that point to evidence of this other woman’s presence. The odd stray hair could just be from the woman he stood next to on the train, but if you find them regularly and they are quite obviously not from you, you may have to wonder who has been that up close and personal with him.

43. You find her possessions in odd places:

Yes it really can happen! Just like in the movies! Perhaps she even planted those panties under your car seat because she secretly wants you to find out about their affair, as she is hoping he will leave you. One thing is for sure, however they got there, if you find suspicious items in your husband’s possession, be pretty sure that he is seeing another.

44. You find lipstick on his collar:

Again, another old cliché, but if he is not careful about washing his own clothing then you may find the odd mark that leaves no doubt in your mind that he is spending time with another woman. Lipstick marks, foundation lines where she has had her head on his chest, you name it, but even the best cheater is bound to slip up from time to time.

45. You find unusual items in his car:

Not as obvious as the underwear scenario, but just empty drinks cartons on the passenger side. Or take away wrappers from places that he would not usually eat in. It could be that they were out in the car together and he forgot to clear away the evidence.

46. Your car seat keeps on moving position:

This is one that not many people would ever consider. But have you noticed that when you get into your car seat, especially if it is the passenger one, you have to keep re-adjusting the seat position?

Maybe she is a taller model, and needs that extra leg room or perhaps they stop in the countryside, and make out on the seat. If it keeps magically moving you can bet that it is being used frequently by someone else, or for something else.

47. He says that he needs space:

Space from whom, what? YOU. He may not say this. He could pin it on an unexplained depression. But if your husband announces that he wants some space, it is a good sign that he has something or someone on his mind, and needs time away to work out how he feels. This is especially even more evident, if he does not want to discuss what is bothering him and seems resistant to your advances to try and clear the air.

48. He suggests a trial separation:

The next step up from wanting space. If he decides that you should take a break but as far as you are concerned, you did not see it coming, then it could be that he has met someone else and wants to test the waters of being separated from you, before he takes that final step.

Almost like test driving a car, he can see if he misses you and still have time to come back, and he may also spend this time living with his Mistress, to see whether or not he is making the right decision.

49. He tells you ‘it’s not you, it’s me’:

If ever you hear this line you know that it actually IS you. Okay, it may not be your fault. But what he really means, is that it’s him who wants to get away and it is you who he wants to get away from, whether it is your fault or not. He is just trying to soften the blow, and not have to really explain his actions or wanting to leave.

The old ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ line is a great way of avoiding any real discussion as he can act confused, depressed, and at the same time, can leave you but not leave you feeling rejected. This eases his conscience and you are less likely to want to try and sort things out there and then if you have no idea what the problem is.


Source by Jason Dee Dickson

Practical Tips to Obtain Defendant Driver’s Cell Phone Records In Car Accident Injury Lawsuits


Background: using cell phones while driving is an inherently unsafe: Everyone knows now that it is unsafe to drink and drive, but the effects of cell phone use while driving are perhaps even more devastating, because the use of cell phones while driving is so wide-spread. According to the a National Safety Council fact sheet, drivers using cell phones account for nearly 25 percent of all motor vehicle crashes annually. In fact, research has shown that driving while using a cell phone is comparable to the devastating effects that alcohol causes to the motoring public. See, A Comparison of the Cell Phone Driver and the Drunk Driver, Human Factors, Vol. 48, No. 2, Summer 2006, pp. 381-391. Sadly, 81 percent of driver have admitted to using a cell phone while driving, according to the National Safety Council fact sheet.

In bringing your motions to compel cell phone records, it is important to bring the above-referenced documents to the attention of the judge hearing your motion. It is also crucial to let juries know of these dangers, because it will affect how the jury views the defendant’s conduct, even in cases where the defense admits to liability in a rear-end collision. It is not enough to stipulate to liability and let the defendant escape accountability to the jury for the despicable nature of using a cell phone while driving. If our firm finds out that the defendant was using a cell phone, we will attach a punitive damages cause of action to the complaint, alleging that doing so was despicable conduct within the meaning of Civil Code section 3294. If you have clear facts showing that there was cell phone usage, by all means, include a punitive damages allegation with the original complaint, so that you are not forced to make a motion to amend your complaint to allege punitive damages.

Don’t get timed out: It is important to recognize the key defense that the defendants possess and neutralize that defense immediately: timing. It can often take 6 months or more to get cell phone records from the time that you first notice the deposition duces tecum until you have the records in your hands. In most aspects of a personal injury case, the defense will try to stall and delay the case until it is time for trial, and discovery has closed, leaving the plaintiff with holes in her case. That is particularly true with cell phone records. The defendant will claim to have forgotten his cell phone number and the name of his cell phone carrier. He will claim to have lost his cell phone records. The cell phone carrier will throw up road blocks, too. In most cases, the judge won’t let you get the cell phone records from the carrier until you have demonstrated due diligence in getting the records from the defendant himself.

As you will see in this article and the associated subsequent articles, there is a long process for seeking these documents through written depositions, written discovery, meet-and-confer letters, amended responses by the defense, followed by more meet-and-confer letters, and ultimately, your motion to compel. If you don’t lay the foundation, or move too quickly, the discovery judge will deny your motion to compel. So be sure to build into your discovery plan ample time to go through the whole process. Compelling cell phone records is like baking a layer cake; you have to build it one layer at a time.

Also, keep in mind that if you want to amend your complaint to allege punitive damages, California Rules of Court, Rule 3.1324, will require you to demonstrate good cause why your motion was not brought earlier. Don’t hand the defense an easy escape due to lack of diligence in bringing the motion to amend the complaint to allege punitive damages pursuant to Civil Code section 3294.

Start your hunt right away: Look for indications of cell phone usage on the part of the defense very early on in the case. Start with the intake with your client. Include a question about cell phone usage on the part of both your client and the defense in your intake questionnaire.

If your client knows that the defendant was using their cell phone, your client will usually tell you, because by now most people are aware that using a cell phone while driving is despicable conduct, particularly if the defendant was not using the phone in a hands-free way. If you client does not mention cell phone usage, be sure to ask your client about cell phone usage in the same way that you would screen for drunk driving, because, as mentioned above, cell phones are the new drunk driving and can change the entire course of the litigation, as we will see. Insurers are willing to waive liability and settle early where their insureds were using their cell phones at the time of the collision in the same way that they do with drunk driving cases.

Sometimes clients will have seen the defendant on their cell phone a few minutes before the incident happened, for example, if they were passing the defendant and were later rear-ended by the defendant, so probe your client’s memory as to the first time that they saw the defendant, and think about if they saw any signs of the defendant using the cell phone.

After speaking with your client, think about other sources of information about the collision. Look at the police report, of course, to see if the reporting officer noted cell phone use. Contact all of the witnesses listed in the report to see if they noticed the defendant using a cell phone. Be sure to ask your clients and the witnesses if they saw the defendant appearing to speak to himself, because even hands-free driving is distracted driving, and the above-cited studies show that a driver’s response time is reduced even with hands-free usage. As if they saw the defendant gesturing while driving, because of course many people will gesture with their hands while on the phone.

Even if your client and the witnesses are unable to state that they saw direct evidence of cell phone usage, such as the defendant holding a cell phone to his ear or talking to no one while driving alone, it is possible to infer cell phone usage where the defendant has no logical story to explain their odd driving behavior. For example, if your client sees the vehicle coming up on them from behind and failing to slow down, your client might not have time to focus their gaze on the driver before impact, but the fact that the driver doesn’t slow down is a flag indicating that the driver was distracted. Weaving is of course another example of distracted driving, as is odd variations in speed. You will need all of these facts to persuade a discovery judge that there are some indicia of distracted driving before the judge will let you compel the defendant’s cell phone records.

File suit early: If you see flags indicated distracted driving, file suit immediately. You will need to begin the process of investigation through formal discovery immediately, because insurers are going to fight this discovery battle tooth and nail, as they are aware that the public is disgusted with distracted driving, and that distracted driving will open up their insured’s personal assets, creating a conflict. Of course, it is exactly this kind of conflict that you want to create for the purpose of leveraging a decent settlement for your client.

If you see flags indicating distracted driving, consider serving a deposition notice on the defendant 20 days after service is effected on them, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 2025.210(b) which provides in pertinent part as follows:

2025.210(b) The plaintiff may serve a deposition notice without leave of court on any date that is 20 days after the service of the summons on, or appearance by, any defendant. On motion with or without notice, the court, for good cause shown, may grant to a plaintiff leave to serve a deposition notice on an earlier date.

The prevailing wisdom is that you should serve form interrogatories by mail after receiving the defendant’s answer, but it is exactly that kind of supposed “common sense” that you want to avoid in these cases. You want to send the defense a signal that you are different, and they should not expect “the usual” from you in any aspect of this case. It also sends the defense a signal that you are not going to permit them to enjoy their primary defense tactic, that of stall and delay. This practice also gives you access to the defendant before the defense adjuster and defense attorney have had extra time to help the defendant formulate false testimony. In their haste to prepare an answer, the defense might not have time to screen the defendant for cell phone usage, and so the defendant might be unwary of the need to prevaricate about his cell phone usage.

After serving the complaint and summons, fax and mail the defense adjuster to let them know that service has been effected, and let them know that you expect a timely answer to the complaint. Then serve the deposition notice, and again fax and mail the defense with a letter saying that you expect the defendant to appear on the date noticed for the deposition. Make sure that you give yourself enough time to actually get the deposition notice served. Code of Civil Procedure section 2025.270(a) requires 10 days’ notice.

The defense attorney will likely phone you to say that there is a conflict in their schedule, but you should politely and persistently insist on an early deposition for the defendant. When the defense attorney asks what the rush is all about, tell them that it is the plaintiff’s job to move the ball, and that the defense should expect to see this pace continued all throughout the case. Do not, of course, talk about your interest in getting discovery of cell phone usage at this point. The defense will not understand why you are pushing the case so quickly, and it will make them start to question their assumptions about what is “normal” in a case, including their “usual” evaluation of the ultimate case value.

The purloined letter, hidden in plain view: You are going to want to include a duces tecum demand with your deposition notice. In that duces tecum demand, you are going to want to ask for cell phone records. Be sure to bury the request for the cell phone records in the middle of the demand somewhere, well after the usual request for photographs and statements of the plaintiff and witnesses, etc, unless you have alleged punitive damages in your complaint, in which case the cell phone usage will be front and center. Be sure to serve along with the deposition subpoena set of form interrogatories, a standard request for production of documents, a set of specially-prepared interrogatories, if that is needed in your case, and a request for admissions. All of these documents can be served any time that is 10 days after service of the summons on the defendant. See C.C.P. sections 2030.020, 2031.020, and 2033.020, respectively.

It is important to serve a standard set of requests for admissions, along with the deposition notice and the other documents. The requests for admissions should certainly ask the defendant to admit the facts of liability from your client’s perspective, and should ask them to admit the ultimate fact that the defendant is at fault for causing the collision. This is particularly true if the case is a rear-ender, because the defense attorney will oppose the motion to compel cell phone records on the basis of that the cell phones are not relevant in a rear-end collision. When the defendant denies liability in the request for admissions, as they inevitably will, you now have ammunition to show the discovery judge that liability is disputed, and therefore the cell phone records will go to the issue of fault.

Be thorough in deposing the defendant on how the collision happened: If you have spotted one of the flags of distracted driving, typically the defendant will not admit cell phone use. You will need to first lay the foundation for the erratic driving. Be sure to begin the deposition with a benign tone toward the deponent. Don’t clue them into the fact that you are going to press them later in the deposition, because they will become defensive, and they won’t give you the key facts that lay the foundation for the flags of distracted driving.

The defendant will typically admit that they rear-ended your client, if that is the case, but they will gloss over the facts leading up to the impact. You will definitely want to ask them when it was that they noticed that your client was stopped, and what they did to avoid the collision. You can ask them lead-in questions such as “it sounds like you were a bit distracted” or “it sounds like your attention drifted off of the road for a little bit.” Then, ask them if their windows in the car were rolled up or rolled down. Ask them if their radio was playing. Ask them if they had some trouble keeping their vehicle in their lane.

Then ask them if they were using their cell phone at the time of the collision. If they say no, ask them when the last time was that they used their cell phone before the collision. Ask them where they kept their cell phone. Was it attached to their belt? Was it in a purse or brief case? If there were other occupants in the defendants’ vehicle, be sure to set their depositions for a time immediately following the defendant’s deposition, so that the defendant will be clued into the fact that his fabrications might be contradicted by other sworn testimony.

Sample duces tecum demand in commercial driving cases: You can count on the defendant to be evasive in deposition. It is not uncommon for the defendant to say that they don’t remember their cell phone number or the name of their cell phone carrier! If that is the case, you will need to make sure that you have requested collision reports and bills of lading applicable to the shipment that the defendant was carrying, in case the driver’s cell phone number is there. Here is some language that would cover those items:

All written collision reports prepared by defendant Donald T. Driver pertaining to the subject collision.

All drivers’ time sheets, log books (regardless of form) involved in recording the subject tractor truck’s usage and mileage by all drivers in the 72 hours prior to the subject collision.

Don’t assume that the defense attorney will object to the collision report prepared by the driver. It might be that the defense attorney will need to use the collision report to refresh the recollection of the driver, and so might give up the collision report, rather than argue that it was an attorney-client communication prepared by the driver for the insurance adjuster to prepare for litigation.

Sample language for special interrogatories seeking the defendants’ cell phone info: If the defendant claims in deposition to have forgotten their cell phone number or the name of their carrier, you will need to serve specially-prepared interrogatories to elicit that information. Here are some sample questions:

State the name of all mobile telephone carriers used by defendant Donald T. Driver on the date of the subject incident which is the subject of this lawsuit.

State the name of any mobile telephone carrier with whom defendant Donald T. Driver had a contract for mobile telephone service on the date of the subject which is the subject of this lawsuit.

State the mobile telephone number(s) of any mobile telephone(s) for which defendant Donald T. Driver had active service on the date of the subject incident.

State the name of the mobile telephone carrier providing service for each of the mobile telephone numbers for which defendant Donald T. Driver had active service on the date of the subject incident.

State the mobile telephone number(s) of any active mobile telephone(s) provided to defendant Donald T. Driver by his employer on the date of the subject incident.

State the name of the mobile telephone carrier providing service for each of the mobile telephone numbers provided to defendant Donald T. Driver by his employer on the date of the subject incident.

Was defendant Donald T. Driver using a mobile telephone for driving directions at the time of the subject collision?

Was defendant Donald T. Driver using a mobile telephone for voice communications at the time of the subject collision?

Was defendant Donald T. Driver using a mobile telephone for text communications at the time of the subject collision?

Was defendant Donald T. Driver using a mobile telephone for any purpose at the time of the subject collision?

When was the last time before the subject collision that defendant Donald T. Driver used a mobile telephone for any purpose?

IDENTIFY the last person that defendant Donald T. Driver spoke with by mobile telephone preceding the subject collision?

As used in these interrogatories, “IDENTIFY” means to provide the name, address, and a telephone number of the person to be identified.

Sample language requesting cell phone records: Below is an example of language that you can use in requesting cell phone records. Be sure to include questions that are both narrowly directed to the time of the collision, as well as questions that are broader, so that the defense won’t say that they don’t have records which are precisely that exact. Bear in mind that the defendant will typically say that they are not in the possession, custody, and control of the requested records. Your primary purpose in requesting these records is to demonstrate to the discovery judge that it will be necessary to compel the defendant to sign a release of records, because the defendant will, by that time, have answered these questions saying that they don’t have possession of the records. In most cases, the only custodian of the records will be the carriers, but you have to set up the defendant by asking these questions first.

Produce all contracts for the delivery of mobile telephony service entered into between defendant Donald T. Driver and any mobile telephony carrier which was in effect at the time of the subject collision.

Produce all contracts for the delivery of mobile telephony service entered into between defendant Donald T. Driver’s employer and any mobile telephony carrier which provided service for defendant Donald T. Driver’s use in effect at the time of the subject collision.

Produce any and all billing statements in the possession, custody or control of the responding defendants for mobile telephony service used by defendant Donald T. Driver for mobile telephony service which was in effect for the billing period which covered the date of service for May 1, 2008 [insert the date of your subject collision].

Produce any and all billing statements covering the period of 10:00 a.m. through 2:00 p.m. on the day of the subject collision for mobile telephony service used by defendant Donald T. Driver.

You are going to have to customize the language above to fit your case. If the collision happened at 12:00 noon, for example, you will want to go back to 10:00 a.m. and forward to 2:00 p.m. to make sure that you get the data for the subject call, in case the parties or the reporting police officer got the time of the collision a bit off.

Conclusion: It may be a long haul to get cell phone records in car accident litigation, start now: You can count on both the defendant and the defense attorney to fight tooth and nail to prevent you from getting your hands on the requested cell phone records. Start your hunt early, or you will find that you are right up against the discovery cut-off without your records, or without adequate time to amend your complaint to allege punitive damages.


Source by Albert Stoll

Various Types of Car Alarms and Vehicle Security Systems


Thousands of cars are stolen every year; the number of these incidents can be reduced by using secure locking systems. Protecting your car from theft or burglary is your own responsibility. Many anti-theft equipment, security devices, etc., designed as per the latest technology, are available at affordable prices. Let’s discuss about different types of car alarms that can enhance the car’s safety and security.

Types of car alarms

Factory alarms: These are offered by the original equipment manufacturers (OEM). These are built in the car at the time of manufacturing the car. They can be of two types: active or passive.

Active alarm: Active alarms require the owner/user of the car to switch them on before leaving and locking the car. A car alarm can be activated using a transmitter button and the choice of switching on the alarm rests in the interest of the car owner/user. One disadvantage is that the driver needs to remember to switch on/activate the alarm.

Passive alarm: Unlike active alarms, passive alarms are much smarter. The moment the ignition is turned off and the doors are closed, they get switched on automatically. Hence, there is no need for the user to remember to arm the alarm after exiting the vehicle. Another interesting fact about these alarms is that many insurance companies offer special discounts for cars equipped with passive arming alarms.

Factory alarms are available in most cars. However, the greatest disadvantage with such alarms is that an experienced thief knows exactly how to disable the alarm without breaking the car open and these alarms cannot be upgraded. However, some after-market alarms are capable of being added to the factory alarm for added convenience and security.

After-market alarms: Unlike factory alarms, after-market alarms can be installed after purchasing the car. After-market alarms generally have all the features found in factory alarms and more. Many reputed manufacturers offer high-end car alarms that make the car more secure. Depending on the level of security, the price of these units varies accordingly. Moreover, empowering car with a better technology after-market alarms makes it more difficult and time consuming for the thieves to deactivate the alarm. Some of the newer, state-of-the-art alarm systems have features such as starter kill, telematics control, GPS tracking, remote start functions and more.

Types of alarms based on the technology used

Technology plays vital role in combating theft of cars these days. Latest technology car security devices not only alert the owner in case of theft, but can also track the vehicle in the event the vehicle is stolen. Let us see different types of technologies in car alarm systems.

• Audible car alarms: In this type of security alarms, movement sensors are placed at different points of the vehicle. Whenever the sensors are disturbed, the alarm gets activated and sounds a loud siren which is hidden somewhere in the car. The sensors can be adjusted for proper sensitivity to prevent false alarms.

• GPS car alarms: In case the car owner is not near the car, the audible sirens or noise made by the car alarms may not be heard. In such cases, if the car is stolen, advanced car alarms equipped with GPS tracking system not only inform the owner about the theft but also helps him and / or local law enforcement locate the stolen vehicle.

In case the thieves break the doors and steal the car, the GPS alarm system in the car sends an alert to the owner through a text message or email. The location of the vehicle can be tracked using a computer and satellite and hence assists the police with tracking the thieves.

These alarms can be activated or deactivated using a computer, phone call or text depending on the setting of the device.

While choosing these security systems, look for a reliable product offered by a reputed dealer that would make a difference. For best results, choose a high quality product from a reputable merchant and have the installation performed by expert technicians.


Source by Nate Rodnay

Linking Areas of the Home With a Dumbwaiter


There are many reasons that people choose to install a dumbwaiter in their home. Sometimes it is installed by the home builder as the home is being built. This can help to increase the value of the home and its appeal to potential buyers. Other times, the homeowner will decide to install a dumbwaiter into their home after it is built.

There are many advantages to having a dumbwaiter in the home. These devices help make it much easier to do the many chores around the home. For instance, bring groceries up from the garage, is much easier when you can simply load up the dumbwaiter car and push a button. They can also make it much easier to bring laundry to and from the laundry room. These devices can also make it much easier for caretakers who need to bring food or supplies upstairs on a regular basis.

There are several popular kits that are used today to allow a homeowner to retro-fit a dumbwaiter with ease. The electric dumbwaiter is the most common type used, but some people prefer a manual dumbwaiter instead. The disadvantage of a manual dumbwaiter is that it will only be able to support less weight than an electric dumbwaiter. Also since you must use your own power to raise or lower it, they can be rather unpractical.

When installing an electric dumbwaiter, it is necessary to do some planning first. Usually the car of the dumbwaiter, which is the part that holds the goods as they are moved between floors, takes up about two feet by two feet of space. This means you will need a vertical shaft between floors that is about 4 feet squared. This is one reason that it is easier to install the dumbwaiter as the home is being built.

In retro-fit situations finding a space can be an issue, but usually most homes have an area that will work. The car can be configured so that the door opens on different sides, so this means you could configure it to open on one side in the kitchen and a different side upstairs. This increases the flexibility of the device. Often if all else fails, a closet can usually be converted to hold the dumbwaiter.

A track is used to keep an electric dumbwaiter and the car moves along the track. Most tracks are designed so that they can be installed into a wood framed home. The track comes in sections and can be slid together. This makes it much easier and more manageable to install the track.

Some dumbwaiters are in large part already assembled. The cable drive system is already installed along with the car on a short section of track. This piece will be placed at the top of the shaft, then after the track is attached to the shaft, there is little left to the installation. Since the installation is simpler and takes less time, it will in turn cost less to install.

There are many people that choose to install a dumbwaiter in their home. These lifts make it much easier to take care of tasks around the home.


Source by Sean Noughtly

Strange Names of Car Parts – And What They Do


Any car buyer knows how intimidating it can be to take your car in for service. Unless you have a real understanding of car parts and how they work, the parts your mechanic tells you need to be replaced might sound like a foreign language! We’ll go over some of the more strange names of car parts so you’ll be in the know the next time your mechanic tells you that your caliper needs to be replaced!

A Few Names of Car Parts

Without further ado, here are a few names for car parts that might make you think twice if you heard them from your mechanic! Take some time to review them so if your mechanic mentions them during your next maintenance visit, you won’t be completely confused, or worse, think he or she is making names of car parts up on the spot!

Flange: A flange is basically a piece used to hold two things, such as two pipes, together. Car flanges are generally circular with a large hole in the middle, and several smaller holes for bolts around the rim. As you might imagine, there are many flanges in a car! This is definitely one of the stranger names of car parts, but it is an important part of your vehicle. If two essential pipes in your car aren’t connecting, your car might not work!

Caliper: A caliper is a part of your breaks. It puts pressure on your brake pads when you need to slow down and bring your car to a stop. You might have a floating caliper or a fixed caliper, but both work for the same end.

Flywheel: Next on our list is the flywheel. A flywheel helps to keep your car running smoothly despite the jerky movement of the pistons in your engine.

Spindle: There are some names of car parts you’ve probably heard of before, but in a different context! A spindle is a perfect example. You may have heard of spindles in terms of spinning thread, but your car has them as well! In your car, spindles reside in the suspension system and help to hold your wheels in place.

Strut: A strut is a common component of front wheel drive vehicles and works similarly to a shock absorber. You might hear this from your mechanic in a list of names of car parts you need to replace if your vehicle isn’t driving smoothly (bouncing, rocking, etc.).

Crankshaft: A crankshaft is a very important part of your engine. The crankshaft rotates due to the power created by the moving pistons in your engine, which then cause your wheels to turn. If your crankshaft isn’t working properly, you are probably having a very difficult time driving – if you can at all!

As you can see, there are many names of car parts that end up being something a bit unexpected! There are lots more that aren’t included in this list, so be sure to visit an experienced mechanic at a car dealership in Richmond or somewhere near you to learn more. It’s always good to be knowledgeable, especially when it comes to your car, so take the time do a little research and learn more names of car parts!


Source by Rosie Woods

What’s Wrong With Blake Snyder’s SAVE THE CAT? The Four Phases of Screenwriting


Blake Snyder’s Save The Cat! just might be the most dangerous book out there for writers.

And you should read it.

But first, you need to recognize how to harness what’s valuable in Save The Cat!, while understanding the principles that make it so potentially destructive.

Blake Snyder isn’t dangerous because he is wrong. He’s not. He’s not dangerous because his ideas about how to build a script around a great premise aren’t brilliant. They are.

Blake Snyder is dangerous because he doesn’t teach you how to be a writer. He teaches you how to be a salesperson.

What’s Right About Save the Cat!?

You’re going to need a lot of money to turn your script into a movie. That’s true whether you are writing a tiny independent film that you are going to shoot in your backyard. Or the next incarnation of Avatar.

Unless you are ridiculously wealthy, or have a generous uncle waiting with a check in his hand, making your movie is probably going to take more money than you have. And that means you’re going to need to convince people that they should put their own hard earned money behind your production.

We call these people producers. They tend to make writers pretty darn angry. That’s because they couldn’t care less about your artistic vision, the integrity of your writing, or how your script is going to change the world.

When a producer invests in your movie, he or she is investing in one thing: the chance that your movie is going to put butts in seats.

Without butts in seats, your movie is going to lose money. And no matter how brilliant your artistic vision, it’s not going to change the world, make anybody laugh, cry or buy an overpriced barrel of popcorn. Because no one is ever going to see it.

And that’s where Blake Snyder is right. No one is going to go see your movie unless the producer knows how to sell it. That means you need a great premise, that grabs the audience’s attention and makes them want to see your movie. And once they’re in the theatre, you’ve got to out-do the promise you’ve made to your audience, so that they can go and talk to their friends about how cool your movie was and drive even more butts to the theatre.

The Save The Cat! approach is to basically turn your script into a giant sales pitch. A living, breathing advertising device that looks so irresistible that audiences can’t help but see it, and producers can’t help but buy it, whether it’s any good or not.

Sounds like a pretty good idea, right?

Except that it’s not going to work for you.

That’s because, unless you happen to be born into a Hollywood family (Snyder’s father was producer Kenneth Snyder) or already have a multi-million dollar hit in your back pocket, nobody who is anybody is going to take a chance on your crappy script. No matter how good the premise is.

Selling Out Is For Professionals

It’s true. Hollywood is filled with writers who sell bad screenplays with great premises, and make a lot of money doing it.

And you can too.

That is, if you already happen to be a big time writer.

The problem is, if you’re like most writers, it probably means that you don’t have a multi-million dollar hit in your back pocket. And in that case nobody who is anybody is going to take a chance on your bad script.

This may seem like an unfair double standard. But it’s not. And if you don’t believe me, just answer this question:

Whose next script is more likely to make you money on your investment: Quentin Tarantino’s or Joe Smith’s?

You don’t even know what the script is about, but you already know the answer. Tarantino has a whole track record to point to. Joe just has his script.

If Joe is going to convince anyone to take a chance on him, that script had better be good. Real good. It had better make them believe in it so strongly that they’d put their own reputation, and their own hard earned money, on the line to make it.

The truth is, “great ideas” in Hollywood are a dime a dozen. And so are writers with impressive track records.

But genuinely good scripts are incredibly rare.

A good script is gold in Hollywood. And you can write one.

Blake Snyder Can Show You How To Sell It. But He Can’t Show You How To Write It.

There’s a reason Blake Snyder’s magnum opus was Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot.

Whether the movie you’re writing is a deeply moving drama, a popcorn munching action flick, or a teen sex comedy, there’s no short cut around the writing process. At least not if you want to write a good movie.

The Four Phases of Writing

In my classes, I break down the writing process into four phases. I’ll be detailing them further in future newsletters, but for now, here’s a brief overview:

1. The ME Draft

2. The AUDIENCE Draft

3. The PRODUCER Draft

4. The READER Draft

What Blake Snyder is describing in Save The Cat! is actually simply the PRODUCER phase of this process: the stage of adaptation and revision that focuses on amplifying the most marketable elements in your screenplay to turn it into candy for producers.

It’s a great place to end up. But it’s a lousy place to start.

Don’t Spend Your Writing Life Feeling Like A Used Car Salesman

No offense to any used-car dealers out there, but you’re not going to break into an industry as competitive as the film industry by peddling a broken down jalopy with a fancy paint job.

You may fool your Aunt Ida. But a real producer can tell when an engine isn’t running.

Open Yourself To The Process

If you let yourself be seduced into thinking about the pitch before you even have anything worth selling, you’re not going to get where you want to go.

Just like the kid who talks the most smack on the basketball court is probably not going to the NBA. At least not until he learns to shoot.

Learning to shoot in the world of screenwriting begins with discovering your character, and taking him or her on a profound journey.

It means getting in touch with your subconscious creative mind, which could care less about marketability, and sales-pitches, and creating a story that exceeds your own plans and expectations.

Then, when you decide to “Save The Cat”, you’ll be doing it for the right reasons: to amplify and focus what already makes your screenplay great, and to shape it into a form that the producer can salivate over.

Don’t worry, you’re going to have plenty of time to sell out later. But you have to become a writer first.

Learn To Understand The Four Phases of Writing

Curious about learning a more effective way to “Save the Cat” in your own writing? Come check out my upcoming screenwriting workshop: Adaptation and Revision.

Rather than imposing a cheesy sales pitch from the outside, you’ll learn to identify the underlying hook that already exists in your work, and focus your writing to bring it to the surface, intensify your character’s journey, and shape a story that grabs your audience and won’t let them go.

Sign up now, and check out the first session for only $20 bucks!


Source by Jacob Krueger

Pothole Damage and Your Wheel Alignment


Potholes are just one of the many regular hazards people deal with as they drive their daily routes. Most will try to avoid potholes as much as possible, but will eventually end up hitting a large hole that is simply unavoidable. While some only try to avoid potholes because of the jarring bump that occurs, others realize the serious issues that can come from hitting a pothole. It is important to understand pothole damage and your wheel alignment, as potholes can cause serious problems that will require repairs.

The Problem with Potholes

Potholes are an incredible nuisance and annoyance, but can actually do some serious damage to your vehicle. The problems are all caused by the way the pothole forces your vehicle to move, as only one of the four tires of your vehicle is going to dip into the pothole at any given time. While your car wants to completely shift to the side that the pothole has been hit, the front (or back) tire that is not in the pothole stops it from doing so. This means that the parts that focus on the alignment of the tire that goes into the pothole will bend and shift to compensate.

This shift and bend can cause a myriad of problems for your vehicle, all of them stemming from the wheel alignment of your vehicle. When your tires and the various parts that keep them aligned move, they become off and misaligned. A small wheel alignment issue may not be noticeable for a long time; save for the shaking that you will feel as you drive. Eventually, serious issues will rise from that initial misalignment.


If the pothole damage that your vehicle sustains manages to damage or shift the caster, your wheel alignment will be off in terms of steering. If you feel your vehicle pull from one side to the other as you drive, the casters are off. This can make driving and steering somewhat difficult, as you must constantly correct for the way that your vehicle shifts on the road.


Issues with wheel alignment can cause uneven wear and tear on your tires, as the jolt of a pothole can mess with the cambers of the alignment system. When the camber is damaged, the wheel will tilt to one side or the other. The uneven wearing of the tires results, and the suspension of your vehicle will suffer.


The toe is the third part of the wheel alignment system of your vehicle. When you hit a pothole, the toe of your vehicle can turned in (positive toe) or turned out (negative toe). This can cause the same uneven tire wear as camber issues, and can also cause the steering issues caused when the caster is off.

The initial issues caused by pothole damage and your wheel alignments are small – you’ll notice a shift in driving and steering and may notice some shaking. The tire wear and the suspension wear take time to surface, but will result in the need for part replacement.


Source by Ron Haugen

Car Magnets Advertising – The Pros and Cons and How to Do It


Car magnets advertising is a very affordable way to get your name out there to the general public. Just think–you are driving down the road and thousands of people are seeing your brand over and over again!

But what are some of the drawbacks of magnetic car advertising? And how do you get that sign done, anyhow?

First off, the pros of magnetic advertising are numerous. It is relatively low-cost, it gets your name in front of a large group of people, and it travels wherever you travel!

This kind of display advertising is especially beneficial for local or regional service businesses, such as home organization consultants or property management companies.

But think before you delve into this form of display advertising. There are some definite cons.

For one, are you reaching your target market by displaying a magnetic sign? Just driving down the road you may not. When you have a niche or affinity market, this option may not be the best idea, unless you plan on spending a lot of time parked in lots where your affinity market is also hanging out.

Additionally, magnetic signs can fall off your car. This happened to me! And if your body is fiberglass, it won’t work.

You might want to consider vinyl advertising, instead, if you are worried about either one.

So, now that you know the good, the bad, and the ugly about car magnet advertising, how do you go about getting a sign?

Google car magnet advertising or some variation of the phrase. You will find many companies who do an excellent job. Some do only one or two color, others offer full color. Some companies have stock designs you personalize, others have an online design program.

Be sure to check what technical considerations are needed for your sign. Most websites list that under an FAQ section or a section devoted specifically to that. If you have any questions about it, don’t be afraid to call and talk to their technical department. They can guide you step by step what you need.

If you want to have a sign done locally, look at your local copy or sign shop. Copy shops often have reasonable prices, although they don’t seem to be as competitive as online shops.

Consider going with full color designs as opposed to one or two color. Color sells, especially in this Internet age we live in.

Make sure you use your brand consistently. What does this mean? Be sure your logo is the same as your business card as your magnetic sign as your website. Then when a prospect goes to your website after seeing your sign, they will immediately recognize that they’re at the right site.

You want to have one strong marketing message. Don’t list too many products or services. Keep it simple. Remember, white space is good! In design, less is more.

In other words, if you clutter up your sign with too many images and words, you will only confuse your prospect and you will not see any results.

Make sure the fonts are readable. Make your phone number and/or website stand out by putting it in another color.

By designing and purchasing a car magnet, your advertising will reach new heights and your brand will sizzle!


Source by Dana Susan Beasley

How To Detect Fake Towing Professionals


A reliable and trustworthy towing contractor will always give the best roadside help to people who have met a sudden breakdown. They will also help people stuck in the middle of the road with nowhere to go. It is one of the most respected profession as people who are working in this industry give the best help during an emergency.

Towing services are legal. However, there are few people who make use of unethical practices to cheat the customers. This end up into a horrible experience and customers lose faith in people who are working in the same industry.

Towing Scams

There are different kinds of cars present in the road i.e. small cars or heavy trucks used to carry loads. It is also a fact that accidents can happen anytime and you will need a reliable company who can take you out of this mess. Have a look at the few most obvious scams which you may experience:-

• A false company will park your vehicle in an unknown place and they won’t give it to you unless you pay inflated charges.

• Few of the towing companies also have a contract with the auto body shops which will charge you more if you get your vehicle repaired from them. This is one of the most obvious scams which most of the people meet. You should have the right to choose your own auto repair shop.

• Unauthorized towing companies make use of fake documents to get business from innocent people. They give you an assurance that they will tow your vehicle to a place safely. However, it is not always true.

It is a very easy task to find a reliable company. Be very careful while making a choice. Here are the following tips you should always keep in mind when you are looking for a towing company:-


Check all the documents i.e. insurance coverage, license along with supporting documents that will make sure that the company is honest.


Read the details of the contract before signing up with them. It should include the price details and services which they are offering. Signing a contract means you have less chance of a scam.


Your towing contractor should follow all the rules and regulations. Furthermore, they should also charge an affordable price for the services. Keep all these tips in mind to choose the most reliable professional for the task.


Source by Animesh Kumar Sarkar