Which Kind Of Car Would You Choose – A Sedan, A 4×4 Or A Hatch-Back?


In their dreams, lots of folks own a fancy sports car like a Porsche but in reality they possess a vehicle that was a lot cheaper to buy. Not only are sports cars far more expensive than the average car on the street these days, they are also less practical for a number of reasons than a sedan, 4×4 or hatch-back. Thus it is debatable whether we would actually see more sports cars around even if they were a lot cheaper to buy.

Many folks choose four-wheel-drive vehicles because of their versatility. This type of vehicle, which is typically called a ‘4×4’ because of the ability of the engine to deliver torque to all four wheels of the vehicle simultaneously, can be driven off-road as well as on which makes it an attractive car for intrepid folk who like to tackle adventure trails in their spare time. These vehicles are also great to have if you like to travel to remote places on vacation and camp there because of the spacious loading bay at the back that can hold camping equipment and provisions.

Then there is the sensation of being king-of-the-road when you drive a 4×4 because the cab sits on top of a high suspension. Sitting so high up is also an advantage for the driver from a road visibility point of view. Current models of four-wheel-drive, particularly the double cab versions, are also a lot more spacious and comfortable inside than their predecessors which were basically utility vehicles designed to assist with agricultural tasks. That being said, they make great family and light commercial vehicles because they are still tough and durable.

The problem with four-wheel-drive vehicles is that they tend to be difficult to manoeuvre in tight spaces and have a reputation for being gas guzzlers even though many of them now run on diesel which is typically cheaper than petroleum. This is where the hatch-backed car comes in. So named because they possess a fifth access door at the rear that resembles an entry hatch, hatch-backs tend to be a lot more compact than the 4×4. They come in a range of engine capacities from the little 1,0 litre cars that are perfect for nipping to the local supermarket to the 6-cylinder performance ‘hot’ hatch-backs that are so-called because of their powerful engines and sporty appearance.

Let us not forget about the sedan, however, as this style of vehicle has its own merits. Sedans have a lower ground clearance which makes them easier to get into and out of, especially for older folk with restricted mobility. The correspondingly low centre of gravity also makes the sedan more stable on the road and easier to drive. The sedan also tends to have a reputation for being a luxury car due to the great numbers of high-end models to be found in this category.

Many people choose to drive a sedan simply because they like the way it looks and handles and enjoy the sensation of driving in style and luxury whilst others prefer the convenience of a hatch-back. Ultimately, the car a person chooses to drive depends as much on their personality and motoring style as it does on practical concerns.


Source by Gert Demsky

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