The Best Types of Vehicles to Use For Hauling Carpet


When installing new carpet you can always have it delivered. Most carpet vendors or manufacturers expect you to want to carpet delivered, so they already have some type of service in place for this. This service is usually expensive and will create additional expenses that you might not have budgeted for. If you are doing the job yourself you probably want to cut back on costs, and try to haul it yourself.

Most self installers like to haul the carpet themselves or find it essential to have the ability to haul the carpet themselves. This is especially important if you are doing some sort of side job for friends and family. If you own the correct vehicle and tools, or are able to borrow them for free you will be in a much better place financially. But be careful, CARPET IS HEAVY, and loading and unloading large rolls of carpet is hard work. You might want to get a friend to help you move the carpet around.

Now on to the vehicle of choice…In my opinion, the ideal truck to haul carpet from job site to job site is a 16 foot box truck with a “granny’s attic”. Having a diesel engine box truck is even better as it will cut down on your fuel costs. The “granny’s attic” above the cab is great for storage. It will allow plenty of room for carpet, pad, tools and supplies along with protection from the elements.

For one time jobs you can use a pick-up truck, or trailer, but these are not the most ideal vehicles due to them not having protection from the elements. Although some truck have bed caps that can be added and removed from the vehicle easily. These can be great when hauling carpet in the rain when all you have is a pickup truck.

I’ve also seen dump trucks used, but they aren’t designed for this type of job. It doesn’t look easy to remove the carpet from the bed of the dump truck either (but then again I wouldn’t really know, I haven’t had to go this route, and hopefully will never have to). I assume these vehicles are only used as a last resort.

Another vehicle you can use to haul carpet is a van, one of those big work vans. I see these types of vehicles hauling carpet almost on a weekly basis, so they must be convenient. The only thing I see a problem with is that the carpet sometimes sticks out the back, making it essential to tie the carpet down or use bungee cords to keep the carpet from flying out the back door.

These are the best ways I have seen to haul carpet, so don’t let me see you flying down the highway with a huge roll of carpet tied to the roof of your Honda Prelude!


Source by Ruby Groves

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