Pro’s and Con’s of Buying a New or Used Auto Engine
Does your car or truck part give you trouble in performance? Is it tough to get easily their replacement parts in the market? Well in that case you might have already weighed the options of going for a brand new engine. So how do you really decide between the thrill of buying a new auto and economizing on an old one? There is no definite answer for this question but going for a used auto engine might still be a cheaper option even if you buy a discounted new car. Having said this you should always keep in mind, some important factors on any engine new or used usually have, like-
Depreciation Value, usually the highest cost involved
Maintenance and repair
Your interest on loan
Fuel consumption
You can easily make an accurate estimate of these costs for any auto engine on your own or with the help of the vast resources on the net. Once this is done all you need to do is to keep the following checklist handy to guide you through your purchase-
New engine Pro’s
Comes under warranty
Well Maintained
You can pick the exact color and options you want
New engine Con’s
High depreciation cost involved
Taxes and insurance is higher
Have to deal with salesperson
Used engine Pro’s
Lower purchase price
Insurance and tax rate are less
Depreciation is flatter
Used Engine Con’s
Low reliability previous owner might be getting rid of it
High maintenance
Recently it has been seen that a nationwide network of online automotive stores have popularized the sale and purchase of used auto engine/parts. Since there is no middleman involved therefore these online firms offer the customers all their products at ware house prices. If you go with this option you will not only save money but also time. Hence, now you need not run around the market dealing with temperamental salespeople to fix your automobile. So the conclusion is that you should go for the new car only when you have a good budget else simply replace your auto engine with some used engine offered in the market in a good quality.
Source by Manoj Tiwari