Kaizen Conclusions
Before we get down to kaizen conclusion it is best if we understand what kaizen is in reality. Kaizen is a Japanese word which means continuous improvement. Like the name suggests, the process of bringing in continuous improvements in the business process is called kaizen. The principles of kaizen are very flexible. Its elements can be easily implemented in several departments such as management, services, marketing, accounts, manufacturing, human resources and engineering. If its elements are implemented with care then it will assist the company in the aim of using its limited resources to the maximum so as to make the most profit with least cost. Wastage elimination is also made possible through kaizen. Kaizen cannot be applied in the organization until and unless employees are properly trained for it. Once the employees are given training on Kaizen and its principles they are able to utilize the best of their capabilities and attain several appealing rewards in return.
Due to flexible nature of kaizen, it can be easily applied in all kinds of organizations regardless of the nature and size. An organization as huge as Toyota can also implement Kaizen and a small home based business such as bakery or parlour can also use kaizen.
Kaizen conclusions are always beneficial; they always make sure the company has started operating on the right track which is giving them the best profit. The kaizen conclusions should not be doubted in any manner because the success rate of kaizen applications has been extremely high. All over the world, there have been companies which have used kaizen principles and profited drastically. The names of some of these companies would be Toyota and Honda the two big names of automotive company and then Fidelty investments, the famous Johnson and Johnson and none other than Canon, the brand with ultimate power. All these companies openly confess that the fame they are enjoying today is only because they applied the principles of kaizen and did not lose faith in it. Having faith in kaizen is highly important because it might sometimes tell you to change the entire structure of your organization but you should realize that it is because of your betterment.
Let’s take example of Canon a Japanese company which utilized kaizen and its principle to transform the entire structure of its organization. They were able to grow their productivity rate by three percent only after six months had passed by since they had implemented kaizen rules and regulations in to their operations. Canon made use of matrix management system to reduce waste and encourage the workforce to work at their best level. With time they started using more and more of kaizen principles and experienced more and more growth. Today they have branches in nearly all corners of the world and they give all the credit to kaizen and its principles.
The companies should realize the importance of kaizen especially if they w ant to reach the international market. They should not hesitate in applying its various rules and regulations. Initially, results might not be so obvious. Also, companies might be troubled with the idea of changing their entire operational structure because of kaizen. However, after some months as companies will start eliminating wastages and reducing expenditures they will appreciate Kaizen and its magical principals.
Source by Sam Miller