"I Need to Get the Bird Droppings Off My Convertible Top" She Said
Is your car going to the birds? Are your local tweets putting droppings on your car’s convertible top day after day? Don’t despair, let me explain to you how to clean it off. You see, many people who have convertible tops just cringe when they see bird droppings on top, but I always remind them it’s a good thing that the convertible top was up, because had been down that bird crap would have been on their seats, dashboard, center console, and floorboards.
Worse, they might come back and find the car now has a nest which has been built under their seat. Still, you should never let the birds ruin a perfectly good day. And luckily, there are a couple tricks of the trade for cleaning bird droppings off the convertible tops.
Also, you should realize that it’s a lot easier clean bird droppings off of the convertible top, then off of the paint of your car, once those bird poops have dried on. Below are a few tips to clean it off all by your lonesome without taking it to a professional car wash or auto detail shop;
– First, you must loosen up the bird droppings and make them moist so that they come off without damaging the fabric. I know you are saying “Oh yuk,” but hang with me for a moment while I explain this. To make the bird crap moist, I recommend a garden hose with a spray nozzle and some warm soapy water in a bucket.
– Next, take a dishwashing sponge, those little small kinds that have the abrasive on one side and a sponge on the other. Use the soft side of the sponge first and try to get most of it to wash away, then flip it over and without applying too much pressure move the abrasive side of the sponge back and forth over the bird dropping along with the grain of the fabric.
– You will note that this gets most of it off, sometimes all of it. If not, repeat this step several times. Do not get inpatient and use too much pressure to scrape it off, as you can permanently damage or put scars in the fabric.
This is how the top auto detailers do it, and some of them have foam sprays which help dissolve the bird droppings. However, this technique amounts to the same thing, and generally it works every time. Please consider all this.
Source by Lance Winslow