How to Enjoy a Seadoo Camping Weekend


I must have the best summer weekend schedule of anyone I know. Well, except for my buddies who have pretty much the same weekend schedule that I do. I spend the entire week preparing for Friday evening, where I will pack up the truck, tighten down my Seadoo cover, hitch up the Seadoo trailer, and head out on my 2 hour drive up to the summer campsite destination. I have a small set of friends that share the same passion for Seadoo riding and camping that I do, so every year I look forward to a summer of good times relaxation at the lake.

On the lakes here in Ontario, summer is quite a long season relative to other places in Canada. I can start the camping season sometimes as early as May, although the Seadoo season is usually a little more bearable in June, all the way through to September. I seem to have the knack for convincing at least one more friend each year that this is the life, and they go out and find some camping gear and set themselves up with a Seadoo, trailer, life jacket, and often some pwc fishing gear.

The weekend begins immediately after work on Friday nights. The lake we’ve chosen this year is less than a two hour drive away, which is a perfect amount of time to unwind from work, listen to a couple of pod casts and some new tunes on my ipod, and just enjoy the drive. I generally have time when I arrive to unpack, setup, get the Seadoo out on the lake, and enjoy a quick trip to say hi to some other campers I know that are just arriving for the weekend as well. Getting back before dark means we can get supper started and end up eating our burgers by the light of the campfire.

Bright and early Saturday morning is my favorite part of the whole weekend. I make a quick pot of coffee, have a little snack, and grab my travel mug and fire up the Seadoo. My favorite alteration to my Seadoo has to be the bolt on coffee holder that I use for my super slow, check out the lake rides on Saturday morning. I get to see what’s been going on during the weekdays I’m not here, and sometimes if I get out early enough I turn off the engine and just float for a while enjoying the morning quiet out on the middle of the lake. After an hour or so I head back, and help make a huge camping breakfast, and really start the whole camping weekend.

My Seadoo ride on Saturday afternoon is definitely a different pace than my early morning trawl. I meet up with all my Seadoo buddies and we head out for a combination of touring, visiting other campsites, and we inevitably take part in some watercraft games and races. Wave jumping another Seadoo wake has to be my personal favorite. Although Seadooing in a group is tons of fun, I don’t want to fail to mention how important it is to keep your eyes open and follow some basic common sense and safety rules so your weekend isn’t ruined with an unnecessary accident.

Sunday morning is a sleep in day, but I always manage to get out on the lake for a ride before we fire up the BBQ for a late lunch. As long as I get the Seadoo out of the water before we put the grilled cheese sandwiches on the BBQ (yep, on the BBQ – my own invention!), it has time to dry out before I have to put the Seadoo covers on ready to trailer home. Keeping my Seadoo protected and covered is one of the biggest priorities for me, since this keep my watercraft in tip top shape for years of lake camping and riding my Seadoo. As sad as it is to go home on Sunday nights, I’m happy thinking that I’ll be out again next Friday, ready to do it all over again!


Source by Josh Brodderick

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