Earn Money From Car Advertising – This is How to Get Paid to Drive Your Car!
Are you looking for ways to make some extra cash every month the easy way? Then, you are at the right place. By reading this article you are going to find out how you can take advantage of the car advertising programs in order to make easy cash every month.
There are some very well-known companies out there that can actually pay you money to drive your own car. The only thing you need to do is to place an ad on your vehicle with the company’s logo. And, that’s it! You won’t have to do anything. Just drive your car as you would normally do. Of course, if you want to increase your salary there are a few more things you can do. For example you can agree to attend special events like parades where you can show off your car to many people, hand out brochures that advertise the company’s products or services and park your car in highly populated areas.
Normally, most companies pay you around $500-$800 per month, if you own a regular-sized vehicle. Of course if you own a truck, your salary will be much higher and can rise up to $3.000. Another way to get a bigger paycheck is to choose an advertisement that will cover the 3/4 of your vehicle. The advertisements are also known as “auto wraps” and they typically consist of the logo of a particular brand or company.
But, how can you ensure that your application will get accepted?
You first need to answer the following questions:
- Are you more than 18 years old?
- Do you own a valid drivers license?
- Are you a resident of Canada, UK, US, Spain or France?
- Do you live in a big city? (You can get selected even if you live in a small town, but in this case you have to drive many miles per day in busy highways).
- Do you drive at least 400 miles per month?
- Do you have a clean driving record with no serious violations like driving under the influence of drugs, in the last year?
If you answered yes to these questions then you are the ideal candidate for this program. If you get selected and don’t currently own a car, the company may even provide you with a new vehicle wrapped in advertisement. Of course, in this case you won’t get a monthly salary.
Nowadays you can find many companies that pay regular people to affix vinyl decals to their vehicles, because this is considered a very cheap and effective form of advertising. Even though, this job won’t get you rich, in these times of recession $800 per month can definitely come in handy.
Source by Ethan G. Williams