Does pH Really Matter for Carpet Cleaning?
If you attended a carpet cleaning course, you know the ongoing debate about pH levels. One instructor may say pH is very important, while another says it’s not imperative. The various approaches to carpet cleaning varies from expert to expert – from the techniques to the carpet cleaning equipment used. We find that some professionals place emphasis on pH of the fiber and other emphasize pH of the products.
Deciding which technique and methods are right all comes down to your own knowledge. To come up with your own outlook, you need to do the research. With understanding, you’ll be able to make a more informed decision.
The Truth About pH
There are a few things you need to know about pH levels as a carpet cleaning professional. This will help you to take better care of your customers and carpet cleaning equipment, such as your tile can truck mounted carpet cleaning machines.
Let’s review:
- The more the pH level is away from neutral, the more likely an adverse affect will occur.
- The pH level doesn’t determine total acidity or alkalinity.
- A whole number change represents a magnitude 10 as it relates to acidity.
Other Misconceptions to Watch For
There are also quite a few misconceptions out there that you should avoid:
- Some wool manufacturers, such as Wools of New Zealand, recommend cleaning its products with products with pH levels between 4.5 and 8.5. Truth is, the manufacturer has approved products that were over 8.5, but hasn’t ever approved any beneath 6.5 pH level. This is very important to note if you’re cleaning wool carpets and rugs for customers.
- The 0-14 pH scale isn’t correct. In actuality, the pH scale goes from negative to over 14.
- The pH scale doesn’t just determine acidity and alkalinity of a solution in water. It only measures how acidic it is. If you want to measure alkalinity, then you would need a pOH scale.
As a carpet cleaning professional, you need to know what information is false. For instance, you may have heard that a solution with a pH level of 4 can neutralize a problem with a pH of 10. Again, pH and pOH only measures relative alkalinity or acidity. The final pH of the fiber is the best way to determine the total alkalinity.
As you’re cleaning carpets, try not to play the numbers game. Pay close attention to the requirements of carpet manufacturers. This is sometimes enough to know what carpet cleaning equipment and solutions are needed to provide the best clean possible.
Source by Jennifer Diaz