Biometric Lock Mysteries – What is Fingerprint Capacity?
Biometric locks have the potential to change the face of security. For example, biometric locks use a specific human characteristic, such as a fingerprint, instead of a key. Fingerprint locks are one of the more common types which are currently available. You can even buy a biometric deadbolt for the front door of your home.
Basics of Fingerprint Locks
A fingerprint lock works by scanning your fingerprint to identify its unique structure. If it matches a print which has already been programmed into the lock, access is granted in a matter of seconds. Biometric fingerprint locks of this nature require a power source, usually batteries such as AA or 9V.
Fingerprint locks offer more reliable security over traditional keyed locks; keys can be used by anyone and are small enough to be lost. Neither is true for fingerprints, which are completely unique and require a permitted person to be present to open a lock.
If you want several people (perhaps your family members and a trusted friend, in case of emergency) to have access to your home, multiple keys are required. With a fingerprint door locks, you can program multiple users into your biometric lock (known as enrolling). A biometric lock can replace keypads in the workplace as well.
Alternative Uses
You may find fingerprint door locks useful in other applications, besides building security. Fingerprint scanners can be used to grant access to computers- some laptop manufacturers include the technology in their systems – or to safes.
Both of these methods protect important or valuable information. Some people keep firearms or other weapons in their personal safes and a biometric lock can protect young children from these dangers.
Keyless, fingerprint locks are also used to secure storage containers such as lockers (such as in schools or gyms) or briefcases. Presently, some high end cars are also using biometric door locks as a means to enter the vehicle, instead of a keypad of traditional keyed lock.
Fingerprint Capacity
You may not realize that locks like these have a fingerprint capacity, That is, only a certain number of fingerprints (enrolled users) can be saved into the memory. Most commercial fingerprint locks have a fingerprint capacity of 99 users. This is more than adequate for home uses or even small businesses.
Nevertheless, certain situations require a much higher fingerprint capacity. Biometric systems are sometimes used in schools in the United Kingdom, prohibiting non-students from entering. Furthermore, fingerprint locks can be a useful tool in professional environments where hundreds, if not thousands, of employees may require access.
You can choose from dozens of models of biometirc door locks which are on the market right now. Rest assured that you do not need special knowledge to install a fingerprint lock. This do-it-yourself activity can offer reliable protection for your valuable items and, perhaps more importantly, your family.